From Start, To Finish

For this particular post, I’ve decided to share some of my fashion tips and tricks that I use on a regular basis. From start to finish, I will be sharing my “3-Steps-To-Perfect” plan on what I do to get ready for a fun day out!

Out on The Town

When I know I’m going to be out and about, I like to dress up my look a little. Even if that just means throwing on a more stylish looking shirt or adding a touch of makeup.

Step No 1.

Because I am generally pressed for time before I’m about to go somewhere, I  finally came up with a sort of “pattern” for getting myself ready for going out. I usually do what takes the longest amount of time first. For me, that’s makeup. Because makeup tends to be a slightly tedious task for me, I like to give myself extra time for applying it.

If I’m just going out for a relaxed day with friends, or shopping, I go easy on the makeup. For me, that means my favorite dark brown eye liner with a light layer of eye shadow, and then a nice touch of mascara to create voluminous looking lashes. And then, if I feel in the mood for it, I will add some bronzer to my cheek bones, a light layer of full cover foundation, and perhaps  a touch of highlighter.

Step No. 2

The next thing I do is choose my attire. Depending on my mood, I will either dress up more stylishly, or I will go with the sporty look. Let’s start with sporty. In most cases, I like to go with the more laid back sporty look. And this is because sport clothing is just so comfortable, and is, of course, so classic looking.

If, on the other hand, the event I’m going to requires more than just a casual look, I will dress up my attire a bit. This means perhaps a nice pair of leggings or skinny jeans with a stylish shirt, paired with either cute flats, or a pair of ankle boots(my favorite)! The trick is to always have a back-up outfit, that way if pressed for time, simply slip that on and you’re ready to go!

Step No 3.

Lastly, I consider my hair. Usually I use a flatiron to achieve the look I desire because it’s fastest and easiest. And that’s it!

And of course, this is simply just the techniques I use to achieve the look I desire. You will probably have your own unique way of creating yours. But if not, hopefully these steps will inspire you to come up with your own From Start to Finish plan!